stomach aches

美 [ˈstʌmək eɪks]英 [ˈstʌmək eɪks]
  • n.胃痛;腹痛
  • stomach ache的复数
stomach achesstomach aches
  1. She started crying at work and suffered from stomach aches .


  2. Just a new medicine for stomach aches .


  3. Consuming a large meal prior to sleeping may cause indigestion and stomach aches during sleep .


  4. Ginger boosts circulation and is a good antidote for stomach aches .


  5. The good : Castor oil is used in a number of ways , usually by parents for their kid 's stomach aches .


  6. Black Tongues and Stomach Aches


  7. Excessive amounts of lead in the blood can cause damage to the digestive , nervous and reproductive systems , and also stomach aches , anaemia and convulsions .


  8. The environment quality foundation found that the water in one out of every three drinking fountains at the rapid transit stations contains excessive amount of bacteria , which may cause stomach aches , although Mayor Ma and the Water Bureau spokesperson assured that the water should be safe .


  9. The rostrum , or frontal part of the body , was pulverized and used to help people pass kidney stones . The gastrolith , or gizzard stone which the lobster uses to help grind up food , was handy for treating stomach aches .


  10. She continued to have severe stomach cramps , aches , fatigue , and depression
